The petition of Wilde Robinson of Draycott in the Clay, Staffordshire, 14 July 1657
To the Right Wor[shipfu]ll the Justices of the peace for the County of Stafford:
The Humble petic[i]on of Wilde Robinson of Draycott in the clay in the said County maimed soldier.
Humbly maketh bould to [illegible] Informe yo[u]r Worships of his sad Condic[i]on by Reason of the many and sundry wounds which hee hath receiv[e]d in the states service both in England and Scottland, whose Impotent estate being taken into Considerac[i]on by yo[u]r worships it was heretofore by the Bench ordered that yo[u]r petic[i]oner should have a stipend of Eight pounds per annu[m] for the maintenance of him and his Child, which was duly paid vntill the last Sessions, at which tyme there was three pounds taken of, which hee most Humbly requests may be aded to againe, in regard hee hath noe other visible Estate and is lame in both hands and altogather vncapapable to doe anythinge towards a Livelyhood, besids hee hath sundry wounds in his Body and head, which are very troublesome to him soe humbly leaveing the pr[e]misses with himselfe to yo[u]r worships Charitable Considerac[i]on yo[u]r poore petic[i]on[e]r Humbly takes leave but will ever remain yo[u]rs and the Com[m]onwealths servant
Wilde Robinson
To be cons[idere]d of.