Staffordshire Quarter Sessions, Stafford, 14 July 1657
Payment record details
Payment record date
Payment authorised by
- Quarter Session
- Midsummer
Document source
Order Book
- Staffordshire Quarter Sessions Order Book, 1654 to 1659
Archive information
- Staffordshire Record Office
Shelf mark
- Q/SO/6
Payment details for Staffordshire Quarter Sessions, Stafford, 14 July 1657
Payment to | Gratuity | Pension | Pension frequency | Notes |
Elizabeth Smith | No gratuity | No pension |
The order book… |
Margret Ponson | No gratuity | No pension |
The order book… |
Magdalen Thacker | No gratuity | No pension |
The order book… |
Wilde Robinson | No gratuity | No pension |
The order book… |
Joanne Pixley, Marie Abell | No gratuity | No pension |
The order book… |
Katherine Caswell, Frances Whyley | No gratuity | No pension |
The order book… |
John Edge | No gratuity | No pension |
The order book… |
Ann Baggeley | No gratuity | £0.0s.0d. | Unknown |
The order notes… |
Thomas Whitlock | No gratuity | 40s | Annual |
Upon the petition… |
Richard Ward | No gratuity | No pension |
Noted as deceased.… |