Discoveries and Outcomes of Civil War Petitions
Unknown Warriors and Widows
We have produced a booklet summarising the principal discoveries and outcomes of Civil War Petitions. This includes key statistics, new insights that have changed historical thinking, profiles revealing the stories of some of the wounded soldiers and war widows uncovered by the project and our plans for the future. To download a PDF of the booklet, please click on this link: Civil War Petitions Booklet.
Public Outputs
Click on the images below to find out more
Project Publications
David J. Appleby, Lloyd Bowen, Andrew Hopper, Ismini Pells and Mark Stoyle (eds), Conflict, Welfare and Memory during and after the English Civil Wars, 1642-1718 (Taylor and Francis, forthcoming), 5 volumes
David J. Appleby, "Members of one another’s miseries”: the culture and politics of war relief in seventeenth-century Staffordshire', in Ian Atherton, Matthew Blake, Andrew Sargent and Alannah Tompkins (eds), Local Histories: Essays in honour of Nigel Tringham, Staffordshire Record Society, 4th series, 27 (2023), pp. 175-190
David J. Appleby, ‘Fleshing out a massacre: the storming of Shelford House and social forgetting in Restoration England‘, Historical Research, 93:260 (2020), pp. 286–308
David J. Appleby and Andrew Hopper (eds), Battle-Scarred: Mortality, Medical Care and Military Welfare in the British Civil Wars (Manchester, 2018)
Lloyd Bowen and Mark Stoyle (eds), Remembering the English Civil Wars (Abingdon, 2021)
Andrew Hopper, ‘The Politics of Military Welfare in Yorkshire and the Memory of the Civil Wars, 1642–1709’, English Historical Review, forthcoming
Ismini Pells, 'Understandings of Adversity and Resilience amongst Women and Children during the Seventeenth-Century British Civil Wars', in O. Rees, K. Hurlock and J. Crowley, Combat Stress in Pre-Modern Europe (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022), pp. 171-98
Ismini Pells, ‘Soliciting sympathy: the search for psychological trauma in seventeenth-century English Civil War maimed soldiers’ petitions’, in E. Peters and C. Richards (eds), Early Modern Trauma: Europe and the Atlantic World (Lincoln NE, 2021), pp. 129-50

The Civil War Petitions team at the project launch at the National Army Museum