The petition of Thomas Whitlocke, Staffordshire, 14 July 1657
To the Right hon[ou]r[a]ble the Justices of the peace for the County of Stafford.
The humble Petic[i]on of Thomas Whitlocke.
Whereas y[ou]r poore petic[i]oner was a Souldier for the States & vnder the Com[m]and of Collonel Phillip Jackson & was maymed in that Service & had a pensc[i]on granted by the hon[ou]r[a]ble Justices: they considering his Condic[i]on in regardinge of his vncurable wounds, & likewise hee being drawne out for Ireland did his true service there as needs did require: humbly beseecheth the Right hon[ou]r[a]ble bench to grant him his pension as was Allowed him by the afor[e]s[ai]d Justices for his releife & Comfort: & y[ou]r poore petic[i]oner shall bee bound to pray for y[ou]r honors
40 s. formerly allowed be from henceforth p[ai]d till cause shewed to the contrary.