The petition of Samuell Constantine of Kettlewell, West Riding of Yorkshire, October 1675
<To all & singuler his Ma[jes]ties lo[yal] subiects as well Spirituall as Te[m[perall.>
The humble petic[i]on of Samuell Constantine of Ketlewell gent[leman]
That yo[u]r petic[i]on[e]r was A souldier in the service of o[u]r late Sov[er]aigne Lord King Chalres ye first of famous memorie & in the Regiment of Horse of S[i]r John Malyorie, and never deserted his late Ma[jes]ties service, but (as in dutie bound) yo[u]r said Petic[i]on[e]r did vpon all occasions stand and {illegible}faithfull & loyall; and att Prestons Battle yo[u]r Petic[i]on[e]r was listed in the Regiment of Colonell Mawlham w[hi]ch Pet[itione]r their gott a Ruptare in his body and his right Arme disjointed wherby the said pet[itione]r is disabled to gaine his Liveinge by his hand Labour; yett still continued A souldjer and was after vnd[e]r the Commaunde of George Late Duke of Albymarle and was ever Loyall vnto the bringeinge in of our Sov[er]aigne Lord the King that now is; as by his discharge from ye said Dukes officers may evidently appeare to yo[u]r wor[shi]ps and yo[u]r pet[itione]r at the said Battle att Preston by the stroake of A Muskett lost the sight of his lefte eye; And Afterwards was in the Regiment of the Hono[u]rable Colonel Yaxley Robson and was in the Armie the five & twentieth of Aprill 1660 & was then disbanded by [illegible] an Acte of Parliam[en]t. And since yo[u]r Pet[itione]r hath Taught A Country schoole & hath not been Chargeable to any but now in regard of his {illegible}