The petition of Margret Knowlesley of Nantwich, Cheshire, Epiphany 1658

To the right Wo[rshi]p[fu]ll the Justic[e]s of the Peace att there Gen[e]rall Quart[e]r Sessions held for the County of Chest[e]r

The humble Pet[itio]n of Margret Knowlesley a poore destressed widdowe

In all humblenes Sheweth

That  yo[u]r Pet[itione]r and her Auncestors tyme out of minde haue lived in there seu[e]rall tymes in Namptw[i]ch within the s[ai]d County and that yo[u]r pet[itione]r was married to Randle Knowlesley her late husband 46 yeares he being borne at Wibunbury w[i]thin the said Countye.

That your poore Pet[itione]rs husband Randle Knowlesley was a souldier in the Armye for the defence and safetye of the Com[m]on Wealth of England against the Com[m]on Enimye in the Island of Man for the space of Five yeares in w[hi]ch service he dyed; leaving yo[u]r distressed Pet[itione]r and her charge in a most deplorable and starving Condicion; she having noe Comfort but her sonne who is now in his Highenes service in the Armye in France.

And Inasmuch as yo[u]r Pet[itione]r hath been true and faithfull for the Com[m]on wealths good not onely against the Enimye att the seige att Namptw[i]ch but ventured her life in her iorney to Wemm to prevent the betrayinge of yt by the kings partye and alsoe att Litchfeeld and Stafford and oth[e]r places.

And in Regard yo[u]r poore Pet[itione]r is reduced to a p[er]ishinge estate Her humble request is that she may haue some smale Penc[i]on for her preservac[i]on and livelyhood in her sad Condic[i]on.

And shee shall ever pray &c

<if proved before>

<1 li. for her p[re]set relefe>

<p[ai]d by mee at Nantw[i]ch>

Key Facts

Date of petition


Name of petitioner

Margret Knowlesley

Type of petitioner

War Widow

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

No known injuries or ailments

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    County of Cheshire (exact location undefined/uncertain)

Outcome of petition

  • Successful
  • Gratuity £1.0s.0d.
    Pension No Pension
    Frequency No Pension

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • Siege of Nantwich, 10 to 25 January 1644

Places mentioned

  • Isle of Man
  • France
  • Wem (Wem Parish), Shropshire
  • City and County of Lichfield
  • Stafford (Stafford Parish), Staffordshire

People mentioned

Archive information


Cheshire Archives and Local Studies

Shelf mark

QJF 85/4, fol. 124