The petition of Edward Moris ap Hugh of Henfache, Denbighshire, 16 July 1679

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To the right Wor[shi]p[fu]ll his Ma[jes]t[y]s Justic[e]s of the gen[er]all Sessions of the peace w[i]thin the Countie of Denbigh

The humble pettic[i]on of Edward Moris ap Hugh of Henvachey in the said Countie A poore Cripple

Humblie sheweth

That yo[u]r pettic[i]on[er] is a poore decripped old man adged 70 yeares or there aboutts who w[i]thin the said tyme yearned his liveinge by workinge to mantaine himself wif and Children, and soe kept himself from beinge troublsome vnto his neighbours. And was a Presse shouldier dureinge the warrs in tyme of o[u]r late kinge Charles the First, vnder the Comaund of lieftenant Collonel Roydon in the Rigeam[en]t of Collonel Salsbury, Att Edghill Fight, in gettinge of Banbury, att Branfford, And there was shott and his name Entred in the kings booke for a maimed souldier, And from thers [sic.] to Gloster and tweise att Nubery and there he was shott, and likewise his name was Entred in the kings booke for A maimed souldier, And soe Continued from place to place dureinge the warrs time, as app[ear]eth by his last pettic[i]on deliu[er]ed vnto Mr Bevis Lloyd att the last q[uar]ter sessions, And yo[u]r pett[itione]r is nowe soe weake that he Canot travaiel amongest his neighbours to desire there Charitable Benevolence. And yo[u]r Pettic[i]on[er] further sheweth that he had an order from the last q[uar]ter sessions directed to the ou[er]seers of the poore of the parishe of Llanrhaiader in Mochnant to pay vnto yo[u]r pett[itione]r twelue pence a weeke. And after the readinge and puplishinge of this order in Church some of the p[ar]ishion[er]s gaue chardge to the ou[er]seers of the poore not to pay him accordinge to the said order, Aleadginge that they doe yearly pay Certaine sume of money towards the maintenance of the maimed souldiers: May it please yo[u]r wor[shi]ps to take the pr[e]misses into yo[u]r good Considerac[i]on, And to Comisserat yo[u]r pettic[i]on[er]s sad Condic[i]on And to graunt yo[u]r pettic[i]on[er] some Relieff in such way as yo[u]r wor[shi]ps seeme meete, to keepe yo[u]r pettic[i]on[er] from starveinge for want of Foode. And that for gods love. And yo[u]r pett[itione]r will ever pray for yo[u]r wor[ship]s longe health and p[ro]speritye &c.

We whose names are vnderwritten doe knowe the Content of this pettic[i]on to be true

Thomas Lloyd Capten

Richard Wyn Ancient

Richard W[illia]ms Com[missioned] Officer

<The petic[i]oner is this 16 July 1679 allowed xxx s. a yeare to be paid quarterly and the Tre[asure]rs of the maymed Souldiers to pay the same accordingly.>

<entered in booke>

<T[homas] P[ritchard]>

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<Denbigh s[ession]s>

To ye right wor[shipp]e[fu]ll his ma[jest]ie Justices of the peace within the gen[er]all Session of ye peace for the s[ai]d County

The humble petic[i]on of Edward Moris ap Hugh of Henvache in the s[ai]d County a poore Criple humbly sheweth.

That yo[u]r poore petic[i]oner went forth a souldier in the late unhappy warres under the Comaund of Liefftenant Royden in the regiment of Col[one]l Salesbury at Edgehill and Brandfford fight and in getting of Banbury where he received seu[er]all sore wounds he continueing his fidelity to his king came afterwards to be an Auntient in the Com[m]ande of LLievetenant [sic.] Collonell Owens in the regiment of Col[one]l Villiers and continued a souldier dureing the said warres and neau[er] altered his engagem[en]t and now in his old age by reason of the said wounds is become a Criple five yeares agoe and fallen to great want and misery and his p[ar]ishion[e]rs deny him relieffe alledgeing that he ought to be relived with a considerable p[ropor]c[i]on of those moneys w[hi]ch they pay towards ye maintenance of the Maimed Souldi[e]rs soe that he lives in great necessity being not able to goe about.

The pr[e]misses considered yo[u]r poor petic[i]on[e]r humbly prayeth yo[u]r good wor[shi]ppe to allow him some considerable p[ar]te of the maymed souldi[e]rs mize to his pension as you shall thinke fit for gods loue and his due &c.

Key Facts

Date of petition

16 July 1679

Name of petitioner

Edward Morris

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    Denbigh (Denbigh Parish), Denbighshire

Outcome of petition

  • Successful
  • Gratuity £0.0s.0d.
    Pension 30s
    Frequency Annual

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • Battle of Edgehill, 23 October 1642
    Assault on Banbury, 27 October 1642
    Battle of Brentford, 12 November 1642
    Siege of Gloucester, 10 August to 5 September 1643
    Battle of Newbury, 20 September 1643
    Battle of Newbury, 27 October 1644

Places mentioned

  • There are no known places

People mentioned

Archive information


National Library of Wales

Shelf mark

Chirk Castle MS B35b/39


National Library of Wales

Shelf mark

Chirk Castle MS B35b/39