Continuity and Change: Hospitals and Public Health

There were some important developments in hospitals and public health during the Renaissance. However, most governments adopted a ‘laissez-faire’ (‘leave it alone’) approach to public health prior to 1800. Most people were still continued to be cared for in their own homes, rather than hospitals. Therefore, how far was the Renaissance a period of change or continuity in hospitals and public health?

Click on the images to find out more about hospitals and public health during the Renaissance and the English Civil Wars

Answer these Questions:

  1. Read the petition of William Reynolds. How does this source show hospitals during the Renaissance were similar to medieval times?
  2. Read the petition and certificate of Christopher Ellin. How do these sources show that hospitals during the Renaissance were different to medieval times?
  3. 'There were no improvements in hospitals before the time of Florence Nightingale'. How far do you agree with this statement?