The certificate for Edward Mumford of Dodbrooke, Devon, 11 April 1685

Andrew Pearse Peter Matthew Henry Hingston & John Baker the [e]ld[e]r all of the Parish of Dodbrooke in the County of Devon John Sweet of Sherford in the said County & Richard Stone of the same p[ar]ish make oath that Edward Mumford the [e]ld[e]r of Dodbrooke aforsaid [illegible] husbandman was in the late vnhappy & unnaturall warr in this Kingdome a Foot souldyer & Corporall vnder the Comand of Capt[ain] Robert Connaway in the Regiment of w[hi]ch S[i]r Edward Seymour was Collonell in the service of the late King Charles the first of ever blessed Memory In which said Service the said Edward Mumford received a dangerous wound by a shott in his left thigh whereby hee was mayhemed and lay a long tyme in a very sadd Condic[i]on vnd[e]r the Chirurgions hands vpon his owne cost & charges And these depon[en]ts doe beleeve that often tymes vpon the change of weather the said Edward Mumford is soe very badd that hee cannot travell to get his maynteynance nor vse any other sufficient meanes or estate to helpe himself.

The signe of Andrew [symbol: mark] Pearse

The signe of Peter [symbol: mark] Matthew

The signe of Henry [symbol: mark] Hingston

<This affidauit abouesaid was sworn by Andrew Pearse Peter Matthew and Henry Hingeston, aboue named the xi th day of Aprill 1685 before vs>

<Will[iam] Bastard>

<{?Joh[n]] [?Warr]>

30 s. p[er] annu[m] & 5 s. in hand

Key Facts

Date of certificate

11 April 1685

Name of petitioner

Edward Mumford

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    County of Devon (exact location undefined/uncertain)

Outcome of petition

  • Successful
  • Gratuity 5s
    Pension 30s
    Frequency Annual

Petition signature


Further information in this certificate

Events mentioned

  • There are no known events

Places mentioned

  • There are no known places

People mentioned

Archive information


Devon Heritage Centre

Shelf mark

QS 128/45/1