The petition of William Sudbury of Woodnewton, Northamptonshire, Trinity 1674

To the Right hono[ra]ble the Justices of the Peace at the Quarter Sessions for the County of North[amp]ton[shire]

The humble Petioc[i]on of William Sudbury of Woodnewton in the said county Labo[u]rer


That yo[u]r poore petic[i]on[er] was pressed for a Soldier from Stamford Baron in this county for his Ma[jes]ties service in the Northern p[ar]ts where he had not only 13 wounds in his head & body very dangerous, but also the fingers of one of his hands cut ofe, whereby he is totally disabled to gaine a living by his Labour for himself & Family

And whereas at a Generall Quarter Sessions for the peace holden at Northampton the Co[u]rt did think fitt to allow the said William Sudbury a yearly penc[i]on of 4 pounds, which since hath deducted to the some of 2 pounds & 10 s. as by his order more plainely may appeare

May it therefore please yo[u]r hono[u]rs to Com[m]iserate the poore & lamentable Estate of yo[u]r said petic[i]oner And to Augment his said penc[i]on as in yo[u]r wisdoms & Charitable Benevolence may be thought meete & sutable to his great Necessity.

And yo[u]r poore petic[i]on[er] shall (as in duty bound) ever pray for yo[u]r hono[ur]s.

The considerac[i]on of this petic[i]on referred to three of thee next Justices or any two of them to make what addi[tio]n they shall think fit


Key Facts

Date of petition


Name of petitioner

William Sudbury

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    County of Northamptonshire (exact location undefined/uncertain)

Outcome of petition

  • Unknown

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • There are no known events

Places mentioned

  • Stamford (St Martin Baron Parish), Northamptonshire

People mentioned

  • There are no known people

Archive information


Northamptonshire Archives

Shelf mark

QSR 1/74, fol. 47