The petition of William Moffett, Scotland, 25 October 1645
To the Hono[ura]ble Committee for the County of Nottingh[am]
The humble Petic[i]on of Will[ia]m Mofett a soldier vnd[e]r the Com[m]aund of Maior Widmerpoole.
Wheras yo[u]r hon[ou]rs poore Petic[i]o[n]er (formerlie belonging to the Scotts Armie) happening through a mischance a great mutulation of [illegible] sundrie parts of his bodie by a daingerous fall wherevpon yo[u]r Pet[itione]r hath long laine as Patient und[e]r the hands of Mr Walker Surgeon who now through the desperatenes of the Cure hath quite given over yo[u]r poore Pet[itione]r his patient whereby hee is in dainger to bee a Creeple so long as he liues.
Your Petitioners humble suite to yo[u]r hono[u]rs is in tend[e]r Considerac[i]on of yo[u]r petic[i]o[n]ers most lamentable Conditc[i]ion and for that hee is farr from his Co[u]ntry and friends out of yo[u]r Christian Compassion to p[ro]cure unto your s[ai]d Pet[itioner] what further helpe may possibly bee had for the recovery of his limbs.
And your Peti[ti]oner shall pray &c.
Mr Hough, Give the Pet[itione]r Tenn shillings for the discharge of his quart[e]rs in Nott[ingham], and to enable him to travell into his owne Country or to the Scottish Army as he desireth, and this shall be yo[u]r war[an]t this 25th of Oct[ober] 1645.
Rich[ard] Pendocke
C[lement] Spelman
Nicho[las] Charlton
Rec[eive]d ten shillings of Mr Hough
Will[ia]m Moffett his m[ar]ke in the p[re]sence of Jo[hn] Booth.