The petition of William Holestock of Birdforth, North Riding of Yorkshire, 6 October 1691

To the right Wor[shi]pfull their Ma[jes]ties Justices of Peace at the north Ridding Sessions holden att Thirske the sixt day of October An[n]o dom[ini] 1691

The humble Petition of William Holestock of Birdforth in the said Ridding

Humbly sheweth

Thatt yo[u]r Petic[i]oner is a very lame old decripped man and his wife in the said condic[i]on And was a soldier for King Charles the first of blessed memory under the Com[m]and of Leuetenant Colonell Morley and was alwayes faithfull and Loyall and never revolted and suffered a great heardship in his s[ai]d Maiestys service being disabled of one of his hands with other severall wounds w[hi]ch he got while he was in the s[ai]d service soe yt he is not able to labour for to get himselfe and his s[ai]d wife a livelyhood without relieved by y[ou]r worships he knows not how to subsist.

He therefore humbly craveth of your wor[shi]ps for to consider his poore distressed Estate & Condic[i]on and to afford him some reasonable gratuity as you in yo[u]r wisdoms shall think fitt and necessary.

And your Petic[i]on[e]r as in duty bound shall da[i]ly pray for yo[u]r worsh[i]ps.

Key Facts

Date of petition

6 October 1691

Name of petitioner

William Holestock

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    Thirsk (Thirsk Parish), North Riding of Yorkshire

Outcome of petition

  • Unknown

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • There are no known events

Places mentioned

  • There are no known places

People mentioned

Archive information


North Yorkshire County Record Office

Shelf mark
