The petition of William Deane the elder of Leicester, Leicestershire, 1659 to 1660

To the right wor[shipfu]ll the Maior and Aldermen of the Burrough of Leicester.

The humble Petic[i]on of Will[ia]m Deane the elder now of the Burrough of Leic[este]r aforesaid.

Sheweth That whereas yo[u]r wor[shi]ps Peticon[e]r being aged, very lame and impotent is now Come by gods assistance to lay his Corps in Leic[este]r accepting kindly of the loue and p[ro]mise of his sonne Will[ia]m, that is to maynteyne yo[u]r said peticon[e]r whilest hee shall stay with him in Leic[este]r. But hee ever and still refuseing to doe the least help for yo[u]r said Peticon[e]rs wife

Your Peticon[e]r therefore craveth yo[u]r good wor[shi]ps (the pr[e]misses Considered) y[o]u will afoard vnto her yo[u]r Charity towards beareing her chardges to London, vnto which place shee would goe & live: And yo[u]r Peticon[e]r doth faithfully p[ro]mise that neither hee or shee shal bee ever any more troublesome, or chardgeable vnto y[o]u But shal bee ever bound to pray for yo[u]r good wor[shi]ps health &c.

The abouenamed Alice Deane vpon the receipt of v s. from the Chamb[er]layne p[ro]miseth that shee will never hereafter bee troublesome to the Burrough aforesaid Witnes her hand the 14th of October 1659.

Alice [symbol: mark] Deane

her marke

Key Facts

Date of petition

1659 — 1660

Name of petitioner

William Deane

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • Borough Corporation
    Leicester, Leicestershire

Outcome of petition

  • Successful
  • Gratuity 5s
    Pension No Pension
    Frequency No Pension

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • There are no known events

Places mentioned

  • London (capital of England)

People mentioned

Archive information


Record Office for Leicestershire and Rutland

Shelf mark

BR II/18/29B, fol. 822