The petition of William ap Hugh ap John of Caerhun, Carnarvonshire, 16 April 1672
To the right worshipp[fu]ll the Justices of peace sittinge at the generall sessions of the peace held at Carnarvon the 16th of Aprill 1672.
The humble peticon of William ap Hugh ap John of Caerhûn in the County of Carnarvon labourer.
That your peticoner hath faythfully served his late Majesties Kinge Charles the first of ever blessed memory as a foote souldier in his late warrs for diverse yeares & hath allways continued truely loyall to his said Majestie that now is as your poore peticoner hath once allreadie peticoned the Justices of peace of this County which is or ought to remaine vpon file amoungest the records of the quarter sessions of this County wherevpon it was made to appeare that your peticoner was qualified accordinge to the late acte of parliament made in the xiiiith yeare of his Majesties raigne kinge Charles the second &c & was accordingly admitted by order of the generall sessions of peace held at Carnarvon the 29th day of Aprill Anno R[e]g[i]s Caroli S[e]cundi &c xvo a pentioner to receaue 40 s. annually of the maymed souldiers mize with in the County & hath seu[er]all times accordingly received the same but since vizt at the Quarter Sessions last held at Pwllhely by the Justices of Peace then & there present your peticoner was expunged from being to receave any pencon amongest the maymed souldiors of this County.
May it please your worshipps (the premisses beinge duely Considered) to readmitt your peticoner to have a pention with & amongest the maymed souldiers of this County for & towardes his reliefe & maintenance beinge very pore & indigent & well deservinge accordinge to the true intent of the late sayd late acte vnder your worshipps favour & in soe doeing your peticoner shall ever pray &c.
18o April [16]72 Ordered vpon this peticon that the peticoner bee admitted & haue a yearely stipend of xx s. allowed him. p[er] Cur[ia].