The petition of Thomas Sutter of Drewsteignton, Devon, 1687

To the R[igh]t Wor[shi]p[fu]ll his Ma[jes]ties Justices of the peace for the county of Devon

The humble petition of Thomas Sutter of Tenton Dene in the county afors[ai]d husb[andman]


That y[ou]r poor petition[e]r serued his late Ma[jes]tie King Charles the 1st of blessed memory in the late vnhappy warrs as a foot soldier vnder the com[m]and of Col[one]l Piper, and afterwards vnd[e]r S[i]r Allen Apsley in the company of Capt[ain] Hobbs from the beginning of the said warrs for many yeares then following and according to his bounden duty and Allegiance manifested all possible loyalty courage and constantcy therein neuer any way deserting his Ma[jes]ties service but att the seiges of Plymouth Reading Exon and Dartmouth and att the fights in Cornwall and Black Downe and att the Garrison att Barnestople and att all other times and on all op[por]tunities during the said service behaued himselfe as a loyall and obedient subject & hath since faithfully serued his late Ma[jes]tie King Charles the 2d. in the Dutch warr And hath eu[er] since the warr demeaned himselfe honestly & peaceably towards all p[er]sons

Now soe itt is may itt please y[ou]r wor[shi]pps that y[ou]r petition[e]r being growne aged poor & infirme & being wounded in the said service and by meanes thereof and of such hardshipps as hee vnd[e]rwent in the said warr rendred infirme & unable to labour as formerly humbly prayes this honn[e]rable C[ou]rt of their wonted clemency to graunt y[ou]r petition[e]r a penc[i]on out of the county stock & y[ou]r petition[e]r as in duty bound shall eu[er] pray &c.

<Wee beleiue this peticion to be true>

<Rich[ard] Annesley>

<Hen[ry] Northleigh>

Wee are well assured of the truth of this petition & of the loyalty & civill demeanor of the petition[e]r

Will[iam] Reade, Rect[o]r of Drewsteignton

Thomas Hall            }

William Ponsford   }

Will[iam] Ponsford } p[ar]ishoners

John Piddescombe }

Robert Smale          }

30 s. p[er] annu[m] & 2 s. 6 d. in hand




Sutter 30 s. p[er] annu[m] & 5 s. in hand

Key Facts

Date of petition


Name of petitioner

Thomas Sutter

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    County of Devon (exact location undefined/uncertain)

Outcome of petition

  • Successful
  • Gratuity £0.2s.6d.
    Pension 30s
    Frequency Annual

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • First Siege of Exeter, December 1642 to January 1643
    Battle of Braddock Down, 19 January 1643
    Siege of Plymouth, 25 January to 21 February 1643
    Siege of Reading, 14 to 27 April 1643
    Second Siege of Exeter, 10 June to 7 September 1643
    Siege of Dartmouth, September to October 1643
    Battle of Lostwithiel, 21 August to 2 September 1644
    Siege of Barnstaple, March 1646 to 20 April 1646

Places mentioned

  • There are no known places

People mentioned

Archive information


Devon Heritage Centre

Shelf mark

QS 128/47/3