The petition of Thomas Stimpson of Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, 9 May 1709

To the Worshippfull the Justices of the Peace of the County of Hertford mett at the Quarter session at Hertford for the said County the 9th day of May 1709.
The humble Petition of Thomas Stimpson of Chesthunt in the said County of Hertford.
That Rob[er]t – Tarry late of Chesthunt aforesaid who used to receive a yearly Pension of four pounds of the Treasurers of this County, is lately Dead.
That yo[u]r Petitioner served his late Maj[es]ty King Charles the first through his whole Civile Warrs, and is now of the age of fourscore yeares and upwards, by meanes whereof he is become very poor and unable to work, and is (as he hoped your Worshipp will be induced to beleive) a fitt object for such a Charity.
Your Petic[i]oner therefore humbly prays that he may be admitted a Pensioner for the said yearely sume of four pounds in the roome of the said Tarry.
and yo[u]r Petitioner shall ever pray &c
We the Parishioners of the above Parish of Chesthunt do hereby Certifye the Contents of the above Petition to be true.
<James Tarry churchwarden>
<Dan[ie]ll Staines>
<John: Blendall>
<Robert Barham>
<Tho[mas] Matthew>
<John Allery>
<G Lewis>
ordered that Stimpson be allowed the Pention of 4 li. p[er] an[num] Com[m]encing from Lady day payable quarterly.