The petition of Thomas Gladwine, parliamentarian soldier, c. 1646

To the ho[noura]ble Com[m]ittee for the safety of the County of War[wick] & Citty & County of Coventry.

The humble petic[i]on of Thomas Gladwine dragoner vnder the Com[m]and of Colo[nel] Purifoy

<Humbly shewinge> that yo[u]r petic[i]oner in the seruice of the State receiued fiue wounds twoe on the head w[hi]ch peirced his scull and three on his left arme & hath lost the use of his left hand w[hi]ch wounds hee rec[eived] the 3d of Aprill 1643 att Birmingham, and was cured of his said wounds by Allen Cotton of this Citty. Since w[hi]ch tyme yo[u]r petic[i]oner hath suffered much, and there is due to him for his seruice under Capt[ain] Ralphe Castleon for 8 weekes w[hi]ch amounteth to 4 li. 4 s. w[hi]ch hee humbly prayeth that hee may bee payed for his p[re]sent releife and liuelyhood, and for the prouideinge of necessary and houlesome apparrell w[hi]ch hee now wanteth winter comeinge on and

Yo[u]r petic[i]oner allsoe further prayeth that in Compassion of his wounds whereby hee is now disabled to followe his callinge beinge a Blacksmith, to vouchsafe him a certificate under yo[u]r hands to bee to the ho[noura]ble Court of Parliam[en]t directed whereby they may bee truly informed of yo[u]r petic[i]oners Condic[i]on; and that thereby hee may haue the benefitt due to him who is not able to helpe himselfe & hee shall bee ever bound to pray for you all

<Mr Bassuet we desire you to giue to this poore wounded souldyer twenty shillings for his present subsistence and jorney to London.>

<Rob[ert] Phippes, Tho[mas] Willughby, Peter Burgoyne>

<The humble Petition of Thomas Gladwine>

Key Facts

Date of petition


Name of petitioner

Thomas Gladwine

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • County Committee
    City and County of Coventry

Outcome of petition

  • Successful
  • Gratuity 20s
    Pension No Pension
    Frequency No Pension

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • Assault on Birmingham, 3 April 1643

Places mentioned

  • London (capital of England)

People mentioned

Archive information


The National Archives

Shelf mark

SP 28/43 fol. 274