The petition of Thomas Batsey of Hereford (St Peter’s Parish), Herefordshire, 1680
To the Right Wor[shipf]ull John Cooke Esq[ui]r[e] Maior of the Cittie of Hereford and to the rest of the Justices of the Peace of the same Citty
The humble petic[i]on of Thomas Batsey of the s[ai]d Citty a poore man
That yo[u]r pet[itione]r hath bin a true and Loyall Subject to his Late Sou[er]aigne Charles ye first of ever blessed memory w[i]thout desertation in his service ag[ain]st the Scotts in defence of ye said Citty and ever since hath lived here in ye same Citty in the parishe of S[ain]t Peters w[i]thin ye same Citty and bred vp his Charge and never was burthensome to ye s[ai]d Citty but allwayes ready vpon all occasions to doe ye Citty service And now he is become very poore and blinde of one of his Eyes soe that he is not able to doe as form[er]ly hee was wont in regard his worke is done
Therefore yo[u]r poore pet[itione]r humbly prayes some weekely allowance to be graunted vnto him out of ye Parish of S[ain]t Peters what yo[u]r good Wor[shi]pps thinke fit And yo[u]r petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray &c