The petition of Susanna Gilloway of Yardley Hastings, Northamptonshire; Jane Watts of Yardley Hastings, Northamptonshire; and Elizabeth Aldridge of Castle Ashby, Northamptonshire, Trinity 1668

To the right wo[rshi]pfull the Justices assembled att the Quarter Sessions for the County of North[amp]ton[shire].
The humble petic[i]on of Susanna Gilloway widd[ow] & Jane Watts, widd[ow]. and Elizabeth Aldridge widdowe.
That whereas yo[u]r poore petic[i]oners was penc[i]oners to y[ou]r wo[shi]pps there late husbands being souldiers in the service of his Ma[jes]tie Charles the first of blessed memory & dying in the s[ai]d service; for w[hi]ch penc[i]ons they did receave of the Treasurers for the West division of this County (that is to say) the s[ai]d Susanna [illegible] and the said Elizabeth Aldridge to each of them the sum[m]e of Three pounds a yeare by quarterly paym[en]ts, & the s[ai]d Jane the som[m]e of Fortie shillings by like paym[en]ts; And whereas it pleased y[ou]r wo[rshi]pps to order that yo[u]r petic[i]oners penc[i]ons should for the tyme to come bee stopped for reasons not knowne to yo[u]r petic[i]oners.
Y[ou]r poore petic[i]oners humbly pray that in regard of theire greate indigency & want yo[u]r wo[shi]pps will be pleased to give yo[u]r order to the treasurer of the West division of this County that y[ou]r poore petic[i]oners may receave the arrears to them sev[er]ally due of theire sayd petic[i]ons to the tyme of the delivery in of theire s[ai]d orders or how otherwise shall seeme good to you & y[ou]r petic[i]oners shall ever pray &c.
Ordered that the 3 petic[i]on[e]rs shall have 1 li. 10 s. a peice in full of all arrears & of all claims of penc[i]ons for ye future.