The petition of Rowland Robson of Doncaster, West Riding of Yorkshire, January 1668
To the Right Hon[oura]ble and ye Right Wor[shipfu]ll the Justices of the peace, for the West rideing of the County of yorke.
The humble petic[i]on of Rowland Robson of Doncaster Humbly sheweth
That yo[u]r petic[i]oner hath served his Late Ma[jes]tie of Blessed memory, under ye command a yeare vnder ye Com[m]and of Collonell Claveran; And 4 yeares vnder Maior Musham; and halfe a year vnder Collonell Gilbie at Newark: And never deserted his Ma[jes]ties service in this time of Rebellion, And hath rec[eive]d seu[er]all wounds in his Ma[jes]ties service by reason whereof he is totally disabled from getting a liveing for his Wife and family And is now in prison and in great distress
Prayeth that your Worships would be pleased to allowe him a penc[i]on out of ye Publique Treasu{ry} and he will ever pray as in duty he is bound