The petition of Roger Edwards of Glyn Ceiriog, Denbighshire, c. 1662 to 1667
To the Right wor[ship]full his Ma[jes]ties Justices of the peace for the County of Denbigh.
The humble petition of Roger Edwards of Glyn Ceiriog of the p[ar]ish of Llangollen in the said County of Dinbigh.
Humbly sheweth that yo[u]r petition[er] tooke vp armes at wrexham in the said County of Dinbigh to be a souldier vnder his late Ma[jes]tie King Charles the first of blessed Memorie & that he continued in the said service aboue three whole years, & that he went out with his late Ma[jes]tie from Shrewsbury vnder the Comande of my Lord Compton to Edghill battell from thence they came went to Brainford battell from thence they came to Bambrie & there they quartered for that winter from thence they went to hopton heath battell; att which battell my Lord Compton was killed then yo[u]r pettition[er] was listed vnder the Comande of my yong Lord Compton & then we went to Leichfeild from thence we went backe to Bambrie & there a greate many of vs were taken prison[e]rs & brought to warw Warwicke & there remained {illegible} & then {illegible} of vs {illegible}