The petition of Robert Wrigglesworth of Thirkleby, North Riding of Yorkshire, 29 April 1701

<North Ridd[ing] Com Ebor>

To the Wor[shi]pp[fu]ll his Ma[jes]tys Justices of ye peace for ye s[ai]d Riding

The humble petition of Rob[er]t Wriglesworth of Thirkleby in ye said Riding

Humbly sheweth

That your petitioner hath been formerly a soldier for three years in w[hi]ch service he got lamed neither did he get his pay for any of yt time & is now become very old & therefore not able to worke or doe anything towards maintaining himself.

Therefore humbly prayes yt yo[u]r wor[shi]pps would be pleased to grant him something towards his releife & yo[u]r petition[e]r shall pray &c.

Hen[ry] Dunn

Tho[mas] Metcalfe

John Coates Churchwarden

John Barker overseer his mark [mark]

Ric[hard] Kitchingman

Key Facts

Date of petition

29 April 1701

Name of petitioner

Robert Wrigglesworth

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    Thirsk (Thirsk Parish), North Riding of Yorkshire

Outcome of petition

  • Unknown

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • There are no known events

Places mentioned

  • There are no known places

People mentioned

Archive information


North Yorkshire County Record Office

Shelf mark
