The petition of Robert Teale of Skipton, West Riding of Yorkshire, 13 April 1675

To the Right Wor[shi]p[fu]ll his Ma[jes]ties Justices of Peace att the Gen[er]all Quarter Sessions of Peace holden att Pontefract the 13th day of Aprill 1675

The humble Petic[i]on of Robert Teale of Skipton

<Humbly sheweth>

That your petic[i]oner was a Foot Souldier for his Ma[jes]tie Charles the First of ever blessed memorie dureinge all the times of the late unhappie Warres and served as a Foot Souldier vnder the Com[m]and of the Right hon[ou]rable Henery Lord Clifford Late Earle of Cumberland and John Hues his Major dureinge all the times of the Garrison held for his Ma[jes]tie at Skipton; in which service your petic[i]oner hath received sunder wounds; and for his Loyaltie hath beene the total ruine of his whole estate; hee beinge a man heretofore of good account amongst his neighbours And hath formerly received for his penc[i]on Fortie Shillings p[er] ann[um]; and of late your petic[i]oner hath but received twentie Shillings p[er] ann[um]; which is a great Impoverishment  to your poore petic[i]oner; now in his Old age; that your petic[i]oner is not able to relieue himselfe his wife and Children

Your petic[i]oner therefore humbly prayes your wor[shi]pps to take his Miserable and deplorable condic[i]on into your serious Considerac[i]ons; and order for your petic[i]oner that hee may receiue the same Sallerie for his subsistance and livelyhood which hee formerly had; hee haueinge always beene a faithfull & loyall Subiect and as greate a sufferer as any whatsoever of his quallitie

And as in dutie bound your petic[i]oner will ever pray for your wor[shi]pps healths and happinesse

Key Facts

Date of petition

13 April 1675

Name of petitioner

Robert Teale

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    Pontefract (Pontefract Parish), West Riding of Yorkshire

Outcome of petition

  • Unknown

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • Siege of Skipton, 20 November to 21 December 1645

Places mentioned

  • Skipton (Skipton Parish), West Riding of Yorkshire

People mentioned

Archive information


West Yorkshire History Centre, Wakefield

Shelf mark

QS, 1/14/4/6/11