The petition of Robert Roebottam of Derby, Derbyshire, 23 September 1645
To the noble gou[er]ner & the rest of the Com[m]ittee for the county of Derby.
The humble petic[i]on of Robert Roebottam of Derby labourer.
Sheweth that whereas yo[u]r poore petic[i]on[e]r was form[e]rly a soldier in this regiment but is now decayed by reason of a longe continued fistulow did petic[i]on to yo[u]r Wor[shi]ps: & you were pleased then to com[m]iserate his poore estate, & to graunt vnto him three two months pay, w[hi]ch is now expyred, & he still in great want, miserie, greefe, & weaknes by reason of the said sore, & he wants both Chyrurgery & menteynance for lyfe
Yo[u]r poore petic[i]on[e]r humbly prayeth that you would be pleased according to yo[u]r wonted goodnes, & pitty, to com[m]iserate his estate, & to graunt him some allowance both for his menteynannce & his wife & children, as also for his sore that he may get help for the cure of it, and yo[u]r poore petic[i]on[e]r his wife & children will pray for yo[u]r wor[shi]ps in health & happynes long to continuew.
xxiii die Sept[embris] 1645
Mr Bennett wee pitty this Petic[i]oners Condic[i]on and desire yow to pay him Forty shillings to make p[ro]vic[i]on for winter & to supply his p[re]sent necessity.
Edw[ard] Charlton ch.
Nicolas Leek John Gell
Geo[rge] Gresley Tho[mas] Gell