The petition of Robert Hansen of Rochdale, Lancashire, Midsummer 1656
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Right honnorable bench your humble Pet[i]t[i]oner Rob[er]t Hansen of Rachdall in the Countie of Lanc[aster] soldier Late souldier for the Comen welth of England and hath served in Scotland in the same service 4 y[ear]s and now being Redused and haue Lost my trade by followethng that service and how haueing a wife and a Child to meintane and noething wher with to mentaine our Lively hude with all I humbly desire yo[u]r Lysance to sell Ale or Bere in Rachdall acording to my order which if Reseud from my Comander and for yo[u]r helth and happenesse will dayly pray.