The petition of Robert Ashorst and his wife of Marsh Baldon, Oxfordshire, Epiphany 1688
The Petition of Robert Ashorst & his wife of March Baldwin humbly sheweth
That altho your poor Petitioner is above four score years old & his wife above three score & ten & both very lame & helpless yet ye Parish of March Balden where they live will not allow them any thing for y[ei]r maintenance. And notwithstanding ye Complaint formerly made ag[ain]st y[ou]r humble Petitioner yt he never was a souldier he is ready to produce severall witnesses yt he was prest for Scotland under S[i]r Jacob Astley, & yt he aferw[ar]ds went volunteer for Ireland; & in ye service of his King receiv’d so many shotts & bruises as together w[i]th his old age have render’d him not able to do any thing. And altho his wife has bin lame for above twenty years yet so long as he cou’d go up & down she did not want, but now he is so far from being able to maintain his wife & himself yt they can scarce gett bread to eat. Wherefore y[ou]r miserable Petitioners humbly beg yt ye honourable Bench w[ou]ld be pleased to take pitty on ’em & find out some way to relieve ’em yt they may not starve & y[ou]r
Humble Petitioners as they in duty bound shall ever pray.
Robert Ashurst his peticion of March Baldwin his peticion