The petition of Richard Taylor, Nottinghamshire, 12 August 1646

To the Ho[noura]ble Committee of Parliam[en]t at Nottingham.

The humble Petic[i]on of Richard Taylor Souldier & Troop[er] under Captaine John Wright.

Humblie sheweth that he hath beene in Armes for  the Parliam[en]t euer since the beginning of these warres; and in and for this Garrison since Wingfield Mannor was taken by the Cavalleers: And that at the last Seege of Newarke, at the beginning, before it was layd Closse hee was sore wounded (being upon the Scout) by the Cavalleers; And shott quite through the raignes of his back, and tuckes, in 7 places of his bodie beside; whereof hee hath lane vnder Mr Lettins hand the Chruigion 25. weekes; a great part of w[hi]ch time yo[u]r Petic[i]oner were no way able to helpe himselfe, nor to turne him in his bed; and hath still a rent 2 Inches long in his back; And he knoweth not whether euer hee shall be a sound man againe or not:

Vpon w[hi]ch occasion hauing spent that meanes w[hi]ch he had & now being in wants; humblie intreates yo[u]r Hono[u]rs fauour towards his releefe; vnto whome he referres himselfe, & prayes for you &c.

<Mr Hough Pay twenty shillings to Richard Taylor ye Pet[itione]r in p[ar]te of ye arrears of pay due to him & this shall be yo[u]r war[an]t. Dated 12th Aug[ust] 1646>

<Fran[ci]s Thornhagh>

<Nicho[las] Charlton>

<Rec[eive]d twenty shillings of Mr Hough accordingly>

<Rich[ard] [mark] Taylor>

<his m[ar]ke.>

Key Facts

Date of petition

12 August 1646

Name of petitioner

Richard Taylor

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • County Committee
    City and County of Nottingham

Outcome of petition

  • Successful
  • Gratuity 20s
    Pension No Pension
    Frequency No Pension

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • Assault on Wingfield Manor, 14 August 1644
    Siege of Newark, 26 November 1645 to 8 May 1646

Places mentioned

  • There are no known places

People mentioned

Archive information


The National Archives

Shelf mark

SP 28/241/IV, fol. 1068