The petition of Richard Stoneley and George Venables of Witton, Cheshire, Trinity 1664

<Com[itatus] Cestr[iae]>

To the Right Hono[u]rable his Ma[jes]ties Cheife Justesses for the present Assises

The humble Petitions of Richard Stoneley and George Venables booth of Witton in the Countie afforesaid Laboras


Sheweth vnto yo[u]r Hono[u]rs that yo[u]r petition[e]rs were ever and are faithfull vnto the kings Ma[jes]tie w[hi]ch now is, and lickwise vnto his Royall Father of famous memorie, and that Richard Stoneley was three yeares in his Ma[jes]ties searuice in Ireland vnder the Com[m]and of Captaine Thomas Parrimoore w[hi]ch was vnder Maior Loyle and vnder the Com[m]and of Col[one]l Munck, and was at the feight at Killeigh and at the feight at Rosse and at the takinge of Naffen, and Cuffen, and Orboy, and at Trim, and at Port Lester, in all w[hi]ch places yo[u]r petition[e]r behaued himselfe as a trustie soulder ought to doe, and from Ireland yo[u]r petition[e]r came vnto the seige at Nantwich where hee was maimed, and sore wounded, and then was taken prisoner at Crew hall, and brought vnto the Nantwich where hee remained vntill that estate hee had was wasted, and for all the searuice yo[u]r petition[e]r did in Ireland and England hee did recaiue but fiue shillings for the same, but mentained him selfe w[i]th that estate hee had whilst it did last.

And yo[u]r petitioner George Venables was at Edge hill vnder the Com[m]and of Captaine Christopher Dauemport and Continued in that Regament whilst it did last, and theire was sore wounded as hee can make it to appeere, and after was vnder the Com[m]and of Captaine Phillip Prichard, and was at the feight at Mountgomerie and theire was sore wounded, and at seauerall other places, but it is to tedious to make them knowne vnto yo[u]r Lordships at this present,

Wee yo[u]r poore petition[e]rs wasted that estate w[hi]ch wee had in the said saruice, and when our estates weere wasted, and all his Ma[jes]ties sould[i]ers disperst abroad, and wee recoueringe some thinge our Strength againe, did fall to our labours to get some thinge towards the mentenance of ourselues our wiues and Children, but now beinge stricken in age wee cannot follow our labour as wee haue done

May it therefore plaise yo[u]r hono[u]rs to admitt yo[u]r poore petit[illegible] pentioners for that the[y] may bee allowed some thinge towards the mentenance of themselues theire wiues and Children and as the[y] are bound will ever pray &c

<referred to the Justices>

Key Facts

Date of petition


Name of petitioner

Richard Stoneley

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    County of Cheshire (exact location undefined/uncertain)

Outcome of petition

  • Unknown

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • Battle of Killeigh, date unknown
    Battle of New Ross, 18 March 1643
    Assault on Navan, date unknown
    Assault on Trim, April 1642
    Battle of Portlester, 7 August 1643
    Siege of Nantwich, c. December 1643
    Assault on Crewe Hall, 28 December 1643
    Battle of Edgehill, 23 October 1642
    Battle of Montgomery, 18 September 1644

Places mentioned

  • Ireland
  • Nantwich (Nantwich Parish), Cheshire

People mentioned

Archive information


Cheshire Archives and Local Studies

Shelf mark

QJF 92/2, fol. 155