The petition of Richard Martin of Hooton, Cheshire, 8 October 1667
To the right ho[noura]ble his Ma[jes]t[y]s Justices of the peace and quorum[m] at the quarter sessions houlden at Knutsford the eighth day of October Anno Regni Caroli s[e]c[un]di decimo nono.
The humble petition of Richard Martin of Hooton in the Countie of Chester
That yo[u]r petitioner in the late warrs did both actually & faithfully serve the kings Ma[jes]tie, of late blessed memory vnd[e]r the comand of Col[one]l Jefferie Shakerley & in his owne Troop & Regim[en]te
That yo[u]r pet[itione]r was at sundry tymes dangerously wounded in seu[er]all parts of his body, but espec[i]ally in his left Arme in a Partie at Karons in Wales was soe cut & wounded that by means thereof soe great a weaknes hath lately come into the same that he is thereby together w[i]th his age vtterly disabled to worke & follow his vocation of a dayly laborer as formerly to his vtter ruine & impou[er]ishm[en]te haueing a wife & four small weakly children & noe means at all to subsist off.
That yo[u]r poor pet[itione]r did always continue his loyalty to his Ma[jes]tie & did never adhere to the enemies of his Loyall Sou[er]aigne.
He therefore humbly imploreth yo[u]r ho[nou]rs to take the p[re]misses into yo[u]r graue & tender considerac[i]ons & be charitably pleased to admit yo[u]r poor pet[itione]r, one of his Ma[jes]ties, pentioners, otherwise yo[u]r pet[itione]r, his wife & four children will be disposed to great want & peniurie
And yo[u]r pet[itione]r shall pray &c
We whose names are subscribed doe certifie the contents of this petition to be truth, & doe recom[m]end him to yo[u]r ho[nou]rs one of his Ma[jes]t[y]s pentioners.
Will[iam] Hanley
Thomas Glaseour
Singleton Birkenhed
John Sparke }
Robert Francis } church wardens
<not granted at pr[e]sent>