The petition of Richard Lathey, Sussex, April 1654

<Sussex s[ession]s>

To the right Wor[shi]pp[fu]ll the Justices of peace sitting in Chichester.

The humble petition of Richard Lathey

Humbly sheweth vnto yo[u]r Wor[shi]pps, That whereas yo[u]r poore pet[itione]r was ympressed for Ireland for service there who continued there as a soldatt by the space of two yeeres & a halfe vnder the comaund of Capt[ain] Fleck and since his releasement from thence into England, w[hi]ch hath beene since his arivall about three monethes & better w[hi]ch since his comeing home by reason of his hardnes & cold lodgeing in the field that have caused yo[u]r poore pet[itione]r to be in such a sadd condic[i]on in his lymbes that he is not able to doe any worke to comfort & releife him selfe wherevpon he humbly craveth you wil be pleased to take it into yo[u]r serious considerac[i]ons the sadd & deplorable estate he is in and to graunt him some speedy releife for his mainetainance whereby he might not p[er]ish for want of sustaineance

And yo[u]r poore pet[itione]r shall dayly pray &c.

Ordered that the Tre[asure]r for maymed souldiers or charitable vses doe pay vnto the pet[itione]r Twenty shillings towards his present releefe.

R[eceive]d of Petworth

John Smith Const[able] of Rotherbridge July

Key Facts

Date of petition

April 1654

Name of petitioner

Richard Lathey

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    Chichester, Sussex

Outcome of petition

  • Successful
  • Gratuity 20s
    Pension No Pension
    Frequency No Pension

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • There are no known events

Places mentioned

  • Ireland
  • Petworth (Petworth Parish), Sussex

People mentioned

Archive information


West Sussex Record Office

Shelf mark

QR/W79 fol. 2