The petition of Richard Hillard of Taunton, Somerset, ?13 July 1652
To the right wor[shipfu]ll the Justices of the Peace att assembled att the Castle of Taunton att the Sessions held there for the Countye of Som[er]sett.
The humble petic[i]on of Richard Hillard of Taunton aforesayd
That yo[u]r peticon[e]r by long tyme beeing a Souldier in the States service, and induring much misery in Taunton during the Seidges there having had his body much bruised and having rec[eived] many wounds in the sayd States service, by meanes yo whereof yo[u]r petic[i]on[er] is very Lame and defective in his body to the great hindrance of the Liuelyhood and mayntenance of his poore distressed wife and 3 small children, beeing att p[re]sent in miserable condic[i]on:
In Considerac[i]on whereof yo[u]r petic[i]on[er] doth earnestly desire, that his deplored estate may bee commiserated by this wor[shipfu]ll Co[u]rt that some mony may bee bestowed on your peticon[e]rs distressed family, as yo[u]r Judgment most thinke fitt
And yo[u]r pet[itioner] shall eu[er] pray &c
Wee whose names are here vnto subscribed doe testifie the truth of this petition.
Geo[rge] Powell Maior
Thom[as] Trowbridge
Will[iam] Gill
Let him gett a certificate of his woundinge in the service & that hee is maymed & then considered