The petition of Raphe Dod of Tiverton, Cheshire, Trinity 1662

<Com[itatus] Cestr[iae]>

To the Hon[oura]ble the Justic[e]s of the Peace in the Countie Palatine of Chester

The humble Petic[i]on of raphe Dod of Tiverton

a souldyer


That yo[u]r poore Pet[itioner] in the beginninge of the late warrs was inlisted in the foote Company of Captaine Bennet as a Drummer in the Regim[en]t of Earle Rivers and went on the service of his Ma[jes]ties Royall father of Euer blessed and glorious memory to Edge Hill and continued faithfull in the s[ai]d Service till Carnarvan Castle was reduced at w[hi]ch time the Kings forces were totally defeated by reason of whose loyalty his house was plundered and had not gods p[ro]vidence Intervened his wife and three small Children had bin vtterly ruined and now yo[u]r Pet[itioner] being antient and nothing to Releiue their pr[e]sent Indigency only his hand Labour and being Informed that his Royall Ma[jes]tie hath by Act of Releife Parliam[en]t allowed releife to all such souldiers who were euer faithfull & loyall to his Ma[jes]tie and to his Royall father &c

Therefore yo[u]r petic[i]on[e]r humbly prayes that yo[u]r hono[u]rs wil bee Pleased to take his sad Condic[i]on into yo[u]r serious considerac[i]on and accordinge to his Loyalty and sufferings to allow such an An[n]uall pention towardes the releife of him and his Indigent family as yo[u]r hono[u]rs shall thinke fit.

And as in duty bound hee will eyer pray for yo[u]r hono[u]rs happines,

<Wee whose names are subscribed knowing this Petic[i]on to bee true desire hee may bee releifed according to Act of Parliam[en]t and remaine>

<Yo[u]r hono[u]rs most humble serv[an]ts>

<the marke [symbol: mark] of John Price>


<Randle Walker>

Key Facts

Date of petition


Name of petitioner

Raphe Dod

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

No known injuries or ailments

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    County of Cheshire (exact location undefined/uncertain)

Outcome of petition

  • Unknown

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • Battle of Edgehill, 23 October 1642
    Siege of Carnarvon Castle, 1646

Places mentioned

  • There are no known places

People mentioned

Archive information


Cheshire Archives and Local Studies

Shelf mark

QJF 90/2, fol. 176