The petition of Raphe Cooper of Onneley, Staffordshire, 8 April 1650

To the Right woor[shi]pp[fu]ll the Justices of the peace and Coram [Populo] for this Countye of Stafford at the quarter Sessions to be held athe [blank] of April 1650.

The humble petition of Raphe Cooper of Onneley within the said Countye husbandman.

Humbly sheweth vnto yo[u]r good woor[shi]pps that yo[u]r poore petitioner beinge formerly a Souldier in the parliam[en]ts service / and by the stronge hand of the Ennemye yo[u]r petitioner lost his Right Eie his Right Arme and his backe was broke all w[hi]ch hee receaued aboute Six yeares and a halfe since who was neuer able since to goe or stand / and that his Longe Continuance in this his Lamentable Condic[i]on hath bin a meanes of great hinderance to his Late deceased Father / and duringe the tearme of yo[u]r petitioners Fathers Life hee held a pretty Tennem[en]t w[hi]ch was a meanes to helpe to mentayne yo[u]r petition[e]r w[hi]ch nowe is Fallen to the landlord as after an herriot paid at his death besides a greate deale of debt yo[u]r petition[e]rs Father as the neighbo[u]rs well knowe died in and Credito[u]rs are forward in seeking for what is there due / yo[u]r petitioner haveinge a sister that tends him and Carryeth him vpp and downe uppon her backe and hath done what shee can for him soe longe as shee is able / soe that there condic[i]on is such that vnlesse some speedy course be taken for yo[u]r petition[e]rs aid and releeffe hee is like to be starued and lost soe hopinge yo[u]r good woor[shi]pps will soe Consider of the misserable Condic[i]on of yo[u]r poore petitioner as to help him to Some releeffee /.

The pr[e]misses well wayed and Considered yo[u]r humble petition[e]r is euer bound to pray for yo[u]r woor[shi]pps health and happines.

Certifieth herevnto

Edward Beardmore         Jo[hn] Boyes

John Hoole                          Richard Allman                  Tho[mas] Weston

John Malpas                       W[illia]m: Weston

Thomas Lisett                    John Holt                             Rich[ard] Corne

Robert Paven                     Humfrey Belson

Edward Vernon                Robert Hawkins                James Craddoke

Peter Whitman                 Richarde Bromley

John Barnes clarke


Key Facts

Date of petition

8 April 1650

Name of petitioner

Rafe Cowp

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    County of Staffordshire (exact location undefined/uncertain)

Outcome of petition

  • Unsuccessful

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • There are no known events

Places mentioned

  • There are no known places

People mentioned

Archive information


Staffordshire Record Office

Shelf mark

Q/SR/268, fol. 7