The petition of Ralph Pycroft of Openshaw, Lancashire, 19 January 1655

To ye Right Wor[shi]pp[fu]ll The Justices of the Peace; At the Session at Manc[heste]r Jan[ua]ry 19o 1654.

The humble peti[ti]on of Ralph Pycroft


That yo[u]r peti[ti]oners Father Richard Pycroft was slayne in the service of the Parliam[en]t at Namptwich Battell, that your peti[ti]oners mother, living late in Openshaw w[i]thin this parish is also Dead; That by the help of a collection in Openshaw aforesaid &c your petitioner was bound apprentise; That yo[u]r peti[ti]oners Master is now become altogether insufficient to performe his part of ye agreem[en]t whereby your petitioner is enforced to wander; yo[u]r peti[ti]on[e]r

Humbly prayeth That through yo[u]r wor[shi]pps care and the mercy [sic.] some smal moneys may bee allow’d to yo[u]r peti[ti]oner, to bind him apprentise to another good and sufficient Master, who is ready to accept of him, whereby yo[u]r petitioner will bee no further charge or burden at all to ye parish and will bee bound for ever to pray &c.

Ch[urchwardens] to take care to bind him

Key Facts

Date of petition

19 January 1655

Name of petitioner

Ralph Pycroft

Type of petitioner

Other Dependant

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

No known injuries or ailments

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    Manchester (Manchester Parish), Lancashire

Outcome of petition

  • Successful
  • Gratuity £0.0s.0d.
    Pension No Pension
    Frequency No Pension

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • Battle of Nantwich, 25 January 1644

Places mentioned

  • There are no known places

People mentioned

Archive information


Lancashire Archives

Shelf mark
