The petition of Oliver Bonden of Springfield, Essex, 1646

To the right honor[a]ble & wor[shi]p[fu]ll his Ma[jes]ties Justices of the Peace assembled at the Quart[e]r Sessions at Chelmsford, the humble Petic[i]on of Oliver Bonden of Springfield husbandman.

Humbly sheweth that wheras your poore Suppl[ican]t hath onely two sonnes, who hath have from the beginning of these warres served the Parliam[en]t as horsemen, & have discharged their trust w[i]th fidelity & Credit, till it pleased god that one of them, p[ar]tly by a bruise w[hi]ch he got by a fall of his horse slayne under him at Newbury fight, and p[ar]tly by much watching, and want of good provision and looking to afterward, hath gotten a very grievous fistula in his back, of w[hi]ch hee hath now line these 18 months & upwards under the surgions hands, to the utter undoing of your sayd suppli[can]t, who is growne farre in yeares, & his wife sickly & lame, so that they are like to come to great want & misery in their old age. And although the Parish also at the request of the Minister in the Church, hath Contributed freely (the times considered) to his reliefe, yet by reason of their great charge of surgery & other necessaryes still required, your s[ai]d petition[e]rs sonne is like speedily to p[er]ish, unlesse some further meanes bee used for his present reliefe. These are therefore humbly to beseech yo[u]r hon[ou]rs & wor[shi]ps, that you would bee pleased to allowe some meanes unto yo[u]r s[ai]d suppl[ican]t, wherewith to satisfy the surgions for the Cure, (w[hi]ch thing they are in good hope in convenient time to effect) and to mainteine him during the s[ai]d Cure, That so his miserable parents may not see him perish under their hands, for want of necessary reliefe. W[hi]ch if yo[u]r Petic[i]on[e]r shall obeine, both hee & his especially his wofull & misera{ble} sonne, shall for ever rest obliged to pray for the increase of your hono[u]r & happinesse.

Wee the minister & Inhabitants of Springfeild doe testifie that wee know the greatest p[ar]t, & doe beleive the rest of the Contents of this petic[i]on to bee true.

Isaac Joyner

Willia[m] Abrooks

Tho[mas] Toppine

Pa[ul] Tethrington

John Bromely

w[illia]m Raymond

Tho[mas] Goodwin

John Cole

Thomas odin formewell

Richard Saman

Thomas [?Tasen]

John mellburn

John Tirell

Tho[mas] Chamberlaine

Richard church

John Flecher

[?Louance] Rachel

Thomas Scoot

John Baker

Robart [?Emvour]

John greaty

Denis Wright Sen{ior}

Denis Wright Juner

Thomas Hoart

John [?Whist]

George [?anye]

James fowler

Oliver clayson

<40 s.>

Key Facts

Date of petition


Name of petitioner

Oliver Bonden

Type of petitioner

Other Dependant

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    Chelmsford (Chelmsford Parish), Essex

Outcome of petition

  • Successful
  • Gratuity 40s
    Pension No Pension
    Frequency No Pension

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • Battle of Newbury, 27 October 1644

Places mentioned

  • There are no known places

People mentioned

Archive information


Essex Record Office

Shelf mark
