The petition of Mathew Thomas of Ruthin, Denbighshire, 12 January 1664

<Denbigh s[ession]s.>

To the right wo[rshipfu]ll his ma[jes]t[y]s Justice of peace at his p[re]sent q[uar]ter Sessions held for the said County.

The humble pettic[i]on of Mathewe Thomas of Ruthin w[i]thin the said County laborer.

Humbly sheweth vnto yo[u]r wor[shi]pps, Thatt yo[u]r pett[itione]r is a very poore man haueinge a wife & many smale Children And hath beene a souldier in his late Ma[jesty]s service vnder the Comand of Captayne John lloyd & afterwoords vnder the Comand of Captaine Evan Jones in S[i]r Evan lloyds Reigm[en]t, And hath lost the vse of his lymes beinge shott Through his Thigh, Arme & body, ins besids many hurts, Cutts & bruses, w[hi]ch yo[u]r pett[itione]r rec[eieve]d in the said service, beinge in hott service for the space of six yeares & vpwards w[hi]ch by reason of the said shotts & wounds doth languishe in a very sadd Condic[i]on & nott able to helpe himself.

Yo[u]r pett[itione]rs humble request is to yo[u]r worshipps to Consider the pr[e]mises, and yo[u]r pett[itione]rs sadd Condic[i]on, haveinge nothine to releive himself wife & Children, beinge not able to worke, by reason of his maymes to gett his liveinge or worke, Butt desires yo[u]r lor[dshi]pps wor[shi]pps to cast yo[u]r eyes of Charritty vpon him And to Order him a pention for his releife as yo[u]r wor[shi]pps shall thinke meete, beinge a souldier as aforesaid in his late ma[jes]t[y]s service for six yeers & vpwards w[i]thour eu[e]r revoultinge, & a Certificate Annexed vnder his late Captaines hand, And for yo[u]r wor[shi]pps Order herein yo[ur] pett[itione]r his poore wife & Children will eu[er] pray &c.

And this for gods love.


I am to acquaint yo[u]r worshops that this poore man, Mathewe Thomas, hath byn a Souldier on his maiesties service, and deserues a pention for my selfe and others will sertifie of his se{r}vice and good Caraadge.

Euan Jones.

Key Facts

Date of petition

12 January 1664

Name of petitioner

Mathew Thomas

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    Denbigh (Denbigh Parish), Denbighshire

Outcome of petition

  • Unknown

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • There are no known events

Places mentioned

  • There are no known places

People mentioned

Archive information


National Library of Wales

Shelf mark

Chirk Castle MS B20a/30