The petition of Marie Houlte of Bolton, Lancashire, Easter 1652

To the Right Wor[shipfu]ll the Justices of Peace and Quo[rum] assembled att Manchester

The Humble petic[i]on of Marie Houlte of Boulton in the countye of Lanc[aste]r

In all humblenes sheweth vnto yo[u]r wor[ship]s That Whereas yo[u]r petic[i]oners sonne called by the name of Henry Holte was a listed Souldier vnder the Command of Captaine Eyrie in Collonell Haggares regiment in the service for Scotland and soe it is that it soe pleased god hee was slaine in Battalia vpon the feild att the takeinge of Starlinge Bridge By whose death yo[u]r petic[i]oner is vtterly vndonne forever for that hee was all the Comforth shee hadd; for & towards her mainteynance and lyvelyhood by releeueinge her in her necessitie and want beinge ould and haueinge litle or noe subsistance. But is like to p[er]ishe vnlesse shee maie bee releeued amongst the widdowes and father lesse Children accordinge to an Order made att the Sheriffes Table the last assizes att Lancaster her condic[i]on is as Lamentable as anie widdowes condic[i]on & much to bee pittied for her losse and heavinesse in lossinge her sonne and likewise her mainteynance

In tender Commisserac[i]on maye it please yo[u]r good wor[shi]ps to take the premisses into yo[u]r serious Considerac[i]on and bee soe fauorable vnto yo[u]r petic[i]oner as in yo[u]r Order to graunt shee maie bee releeued amongst the rest of the widdowes and haue allowance towards her Liuelyhood nowe haueinge noe other Meanes to subsist withall. And yo[u]r petic[i]oner as in dutie bounden will daiely praye for yo[u]r wor[shi]ps health and hapines longe to Continewe

Tho[mas] Bordmann

Ch[urchwardens] & ou[er]seers


Key Facts

Date of petition


Name of petitioner

Marie Houlte

Type of petitioner

Other Dependant

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

No known injuries or ailments

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    Manchester (Manchester Parish), Lancashire

Outcome of petition

  • Successful
  • Gratuity £0.0s.0d.
    Pension £0.0s.0d.
    Frequency Unknown

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • Siege of Stirling Castle, 6 to 14 August 1651

Places mentioned

  • Scotland
  • Lancaster (Lancaster Parish), Lancashire

People mentioned

Archive information


Lancashire Archives

Shelf mark
