The petition of Katherine de Luke of the New Forest, Hampshire, September 1660
To the Kings most Excellent Majestie
The humble Petic[i[on of Katherine De Luke Widdow
That yo[u]r Pet[itione]rs sufferings for her Loyalty and faithfull service vnto his late Ma[jes]tie by Intelligence publique & private, and carrying of Letters when none durst adventure for his Ma[jes]tie though w[i]th much hazard is partly expressed in the Certificates annexed; signed by sundry persons of Integrity and hono[u]r & that shee never desisted from her constant resoluc[i]on from ye begining of the Warrs to this day; Although for ye same shee was Comitted to Bridewell, & there whipped every other day, & also burnt with Light Matches, Lashed & cruelly tormented to make her betray her Trust; And shee discovered the plott at Bristoll; & did other Services too large to relate That yo[u]r Pet[itione]rs husband was Sequestred & turned out of his whole Estate in ye Isle of Weight for his Loyalty to his late Ma[jes]tie of blessed memory, after which hee raised horse for his Ma[jes]tie by ye Com[m]ission from ye Lord Hopton with & vnder whom hee continued all along faithfull to his late Ma[jes]tie in which Service he Received such wounds, hurts, & greife as shortned his dayes in misery, her Sonne sould by ye Enemy for serving his Ma[jes]tie And now yo[u]r pet[itione]r after her being exiled, & Banished from her habitation, & livelyhood for these 16 yeares last past, to live in another Country in sorrow Trouble & care, doth account it her greatest Joye; to see yo[u]r most Sacred Ma[jes]tie returned to yo[u]r owne and that shee Reckons not her husbands & her owne sufferings & free services; soe that now at last shee and her poore Children may live comfortably.
Yo[u]r Pet[itione]r therefore most humbly prayeth yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie to be graciously pleased in Considerac[i]on of her and her Husbands disbursements Engagements Losses, Sufferings & services; To grant vnto yo[u]r Pet[itione]r a Lease for 31 yeares of the wast Lands from Castor Rayles to ye Peere Head from the low water Marke & above, belonging to yo[u]r Ma[jes]tie neare great Yarmouth in Norfolke, for ye Subsistance of her selfe and her distressed Family: Att the yearely Rent of 6 d. p[er] Acre for wast Lands
And yo[u]r Pet[itione]r shall ever pray &c.