The petition of John Reed of Yarm, North Riding of Yorkshire, 17 April 1694
To the Right Hon[our]able Theire Ma[jes]tys Justices of ye peace at ye Gen[er]all quarter sess[ion]s of ye peace held at Thirske ye 17th day of Aprill Anno dom[ini] 1694
The Petition of John Reed of Yarum in ye County of Yorke
Humbly sheweth
That yo[u]r Petitioner haveing beene an Officer belonging to a Company of foot soldiers under ye Comand of Sir James Pennyman Collon[e]ll in ye Reigne of King Charles ye first (of ever blessed memory) did all along behave himselfe very faithfully & loyally to his said Prince alsoe in severall battles very courageously especially in a Battle at Allton in Hampshire where hee received severall wounds and likewise a bullet w[hi]ch still lodges in his shoulder by reason whereof and of his old Age Hee being seaventy five yeares old is now reduced to a very low Condition soe Humbly begs that your Honours will bee pleas[e]d to take ye same into Consideration by ordering something as a Gratuity to bee p[ai]d him and yo[u]r Petition[e]r as in Duty bound shall ever pray &c.
xx s.