The petition of John Meautyes of Waddow Hall, West Riding of Yorkshire, 20 April 1669
To the hon[ou]rable his Ma[jes]ties Justices of Peace att the Gen[er]all Sess[ion]s of Peace att Pontefract xxo Aprill 1669.
The humble Petic[i]on of Levuetennant Coll[onel] John Meautyes of Waddow
Humbly sheweth
That your Petic[i]oner was ordered to receive a Penc[i]on of Five Pounds yearly as a Penc[i]on after the decease of one Thomas Butterfeild who died about three yeares since And your Petic[i]oner onely receiued one quarters Penc[i]on of the said Sum[m]e and beinge Imployed in his Ma[jes]ties service att or about London; and out of the Countrie so that your Petic[i]oner was not in a Condic[i]on to looke after the s[ai]d Penc[i]on quarterly; and att a priuate Sess[ion]s held att Skipton the said Penc[i]on was taken from him, hee haueing rec[eive]d no more then one quarters pay as aforesaid
The Premisses Considered your Petic[i]oner humbly desires the hon[ou]rable Bench to grant an Order that hee may receiue the said Penc[i]on; And further that hee may be recomended to the care of the Justices of the Peace within Staincliffe
And your petic[i]oner will dayly pray &c
Ordered that the peticon[e]r be restored to his pencon of 13 li. p[er] ann[um] & all his arreares to be paid by the tre[asure]r