The petition of John Latch, Garrison of Gloucester, 1644
{To the right} wor[shipful] the worthy Gover[nor] {of the c}itty of Glouc[ester].
{The hu}mble petic[i]on of John Latch, a musketere {un}der Captayne Nelme.
Humbly shewinge vnto yo[u]r wor[ship] that in the {be}gininge of February last when you went forth w[i]th a partie agaynst the enemy then in paynswick I there receiued in that fight 13 woundes & there lay in misery from monday tell tuseday followinge & besids my wounds they levinge me dead Rode on me with their horse & denyed me quarter whereby my kidneys were rent from my loynes & some veynes broken whereby my body is weak through the losse of bloud besids they stripped me of my coate & bootes.
now in this my wekenes & extremity w[i]th those that attended me in my sicknes I haue spent all my owne money amounting to 50 s. besids 18 s. that I receiued in paye & now I am vtterly distitute to helpe my selfe. & therefor I humbly desier you to consider the p[re]misses for my releif in this my extremitie & shal be eu[er] bound to pray for yo[u]r happiness &c.
Capt[ain] Blany I desire you to pay this petitioner 20 s.
Twenty shillings
Edw[ard] Massie