The petition of John Howells of Hereford, Herefordshire, 1668 to 1669

<1668-9 Ja[me]s Wellington mayor>

<Petitions 1668-9>

To the wor[shi]ppfull John Smith Esq[ui]r[e] Major of the Citty of Herefford, & to others the wor[shi]ppfull Justices of the peace of the said Citty:

The humble petic[i]on of John Howells of this Citty of Herefford taylor Aged sixty seauen yeares, and vpwards a poore decayed freeman of the said Citty:

Humbly Craveinge, in regard, and for that your poore aged petic[ione]r is become impotent his sight altogeather faileinge him, & a poore indigent maimed faithfull soldier vpon Actuall Adventures in the seruice of our late sou[er]aigne Kinge Charles the first of ever blessed memory deceas’d, in the Regiment of the late Hono[u]r[a]ble S[i]r Ralph Dutton vnder the Com[m]aund of Lieutenant Collonell Hawkins att the Fight of Edgehill, ould Brainford, Newbury, Naseby, Bristoll, Ciceter, & vpon the siedge against the Scotts here; & in div[er]se other fights elsewhere within this Kingdome, wherein yo[u]r poore petic[ione]r hath receiued diuerse hurts, bruises, wounds, and maimes as by inspecc[i]on might appeare in his late gracious Ma[jes]ties seruice, & beinge a poore indigent faithfull maimed soldier for his Ma[jes]tie borne, & bredd within this Citty in a very miserable, & lowe Condic[i]on haueinge a great defect in his sight yo[u]r petic[ione]rs Comission[e]rs, & field officers beinge all sithence dead (but the Clarke of the Hono[u]r[a]ble S[i]r Ralph Duttons Regiment, yet liueinge, & some of the marchinge soldiers liveing in this Citty where yo[u]r petic[ione]r first tooke vpp Armes; whose names are herevnto subscribed are ready (if occasion be upon oath to Attest yo[u]r petic[ione]rs fidelity, & constancy in his Ma[jes]t[y]s seruice.

That yo[u]r good wor[shi]pps wil be pleased According to his Ma[jes]t[y]s most gracious Act; & ye Statute in that behalfe made, & prouided to Admitt yo[u]r petic[ione]r a graunte of ye next vacant Hospitall of any poore Allmesman deceaseinge within this Citty beinge alltogeather disabled to worke for a Livelihood to pay rent any longer; And yo[u]r poore petic[ione]r shall continually pray for your good wor[shi]ps &c

<Wee whose names are subscribed are ready to Attest ye petic[ione]rs fidelity in his late Ma[jes]ties seruice>

<Owen Greenely Clarke of the Company & Regim[en]t;>

<Francis Rawlins one of the Gentlemen of ye Pyke>

<Thomas Whitney>

Key Facts

Date of petition

1668 — 1669

Name of petitioner

John Howell

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • Borough Corporation
    Hereford, Herefordshire

Outcome of petition

  • Unknown

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • Battle of Edgehill, 23 October 1642
    Battle of Brentford, 12 November 1642
    Battle of Newbury, 20 September 1643
    Battle of Naseby, 14 June 1645
    Siege of Bristol, 21 August to 11 September 1645
    Assault on Cirencester, 2 February 1643
    Siege of Hereford, 25 July to 4 September 1645

Places mentioned

  • There are no known places

People mentioned

Archive information


Herefordshire Archive and Records Centre

Shelf mark

BG 11/5/39, 1668-9 sessions file, no. 13