The petition of John Ellis of Dewsbury, West Riding of Yorkshire, October 1674
To the Right Wor[shi]pfull the Justices of the Peace for the West ridinge of Yorckshire
The humble Petic[i]on of John Ellis of Dewsbury Cloathier
Humbly sheweth
That yo[u]r Petic[i]on[e]r was a foote Souldier vnder the Com[m]and of S[i]r Phillip Mounckton Kn[igh]t Collonell in his late Ma[jes]ties service (of blessed memory) by the space of three yeares and vpwards, dureinge w[hi]ch tyme yo[u]r Petic[i]on[e]r received severall Wounds in severall partes of his body By reason whereof yo[u]r Petic[i]on[e]r is become very impotent, lame and decr[e]ped not able to worke for a livelyhood.
Now yo[u]r Petic[i]on[e]rs humble request is That yo[u]r Wor[shi]pps would be pleased to take yo[u]r Petic[i]on[e]rs sad Condic[i]on into Considerac[i]on And allow vnto yo[u]r Petic[i]on[e]r such Penc[i]on as yo[u]r Wor[shi]pps in yo[u]r graue Judgem[en]ts shall thinke fitt and requisite for yo[u]r Petic[i]on[e]rs said service
And yo[u]r Petc[i]on[e]r shal be ever bound to pray &c
Brian Phillips of Osit Lately deceased.