The petition of John Donge, Lincolnshire, Midsummer 1649
To the right worship[fu]ll the Justices of the peace att the generall Quarter Sessions Holden att Lowth in the County of Lincolne:
The humble peticion of John Donge
Sheweth that whereas your peticioner beinge in the Parlament service euer since the begininge of these warrs vnder the Lord Generall Fairfax: and in the regement of Coll[inel] Robert ouerton: att the battill of Hessey moore where your peticioner receuied mainie wounds he beinge cutt ouer the face and wounded in his left hand that he hath noe vse of it: your peticioner beinge a bricke layer by trade and soe wounded in his left hand is vtterly disabled to Follow his Callinge to gett releife towards the subsistance of him his wiffe and Children:
Therefore your peticioner humbly desires this Hono[u]rable bench to consider his condition and grant him some allowance by the Sessions towards the releife of him his wiffe and Children: And your peticioner Shall euer pray &c.
The Peticon[e]r is to have xx s. paid him by the Treasur[e]r of this Sessions for his pr[e]sent releife & the Justices of the Peace for these Sessions.