The Petition of John Borraskill of Bolton, Cumberland, 11 January 1688

To the Hon[ou]rable Bench his Ma[jes]ties Justice of the peace for the County of Cumberland, the humble Petition of John Borraskill of the parish of Bolton in the County afores[ai]d:

Forasmuch as the said John Borraskill hath been a soldier in his Ma[jes]ties Army in the late unhappy Civill wars in this Nation for severall yeares, where he served as Sergeant in severall Battles as Bradford, York, Preston, and was also in the Siege of Carlile from Michaelmas to Midsum[m]er, and was there imprisoned and was not sett at Liberty till he paid 35 li. which he had earned in service and Husbandry Labour: And now the s[ai]d petitioner & yo[u]r humble servant John Borraskill being aged & unable to work to gett himselfe maintenance, (humbly desireth y[o]w his Ma[jes]ties Justice of the peace to take his pr[e]sent Condition into Consideration, and help him to a small pention thereby in part to supply his necessity; For which kindness shewn to yo[u]r humble petitioner, will pray (as he is oblieged) for yo[u]r honours pr[e]sent & future felicity whilst

John Borraskill

Bolton Jan[uary] 10th


referred to the next private sessions.

Key Facts

Date of petition

11 January 1688

Name of petitioner

John Borraskill

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    Cockermouth (Brigham Parish), Cumberland

Outcome of petition

  • Unknown

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • Assault on Preston, 9 February 1643
    Battle of Bradford, 3 March 1644
    Battle of Marston Moor, 2 July 1644
    Siege of Carlisle, October 1644 to 28 June 1645

Places mentioned

  • There are no known places

People mentioned

  • There are no known people

Archive information


Carlisle Archive Centre

Shelf mark
