The petition of John Barret, Garrison of Gloucester, 1644

{To the} Right honerable the governer of this Citty.

{The humble pet}i{ti}on of John Barret Corpeall in Captine Cotten his Company

humbly sheweth:

{That} your peticioner was latly comanded out of in the party that went {illegible} enimy in painswicke: and being put to flight I was in the persute {illegible}on by two of the enimyes horse and sixe of their foote of whom I was {illegible} downe and left for dead: and having receaved Tenne wounds of them {they} stript me starck nacked to the very skine: and ever since that time I have layne bedrid under the Cyrurgions hands and now I being able to rise I can not for want of Cloths: theirfore I beseech your honer that you would be pleased to take order that I may have some Cloths (both linin and woolin) speedyly that I may not perish for want thereof

Your peticoner is in great want of fiering haveing receved but two greene willow blocks (that two men might Cary) of the quartermaster since I was wounded

and your petitioner shall ever pray &c:

Your peticioner receved 7 wounds in the head 5 of them therow the scull i cut in the backe (to the bons) with a pole axe his elbow cut off bons and all: his hand slitt downe betwine the fingers as Mr Caradine the Cyerrugion afermeth who hath almost Cured them al (and very carfuly and willingly he hath taken the pains to do it) how to satisfie him we know not he was never the man that asked us a farthing.

and your peticoner shal ever pray

Capt[ain] Blany I desire you to pay vnt[o] {t}his petitioner 20 s. to buy him Cloths.

20 s.

Edw[ard] Massie

Key Facts

Date of petition


Name of petitioner

John Barret

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • Military Commander
    City and County of Gloucester

Outcome of petition

  • Successful
  • Gratuity 20s
    Pension No Pension
    Frequency No Pension

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • Skirmish at Painswick, 5 February 1644

Places mentioned

  • There are no known places

People mentioned

Archive information


The National Archives

Shelf mark

SP 28/228/II, fol. 361