The petition of Joane Weeks of North Petherton, Somerset, undated
To the Right wor[shipfu]ll the Justices of the peace assembled at the General Sessions held at Ivelchester for the Countye of Som[er]sett
The humble Petic[i]on of Joane Weeks of North petherton, widdow
That yo[u]r pet[itioner] in the Thirteenth yeare of Car[olus] Reg[i]s had by order of Sessions a mayd chyld placed to her to be kept and brought vpp, the mother of w[hi]ch child was executed at the Assizes before
Your pet[itioner] is a poore woman and much indebted, And hath not receiued her just sumes of monie as were allowed her vppon the sayd order, which sume amounteth to 10 li. 10 s. besyds Five Pounds that she discharged for the Countye from byndinge her to be An App[ren]tice, the order is that yo[u]r pet[itioner] should haue 6 li. p[er] Ann[um] yo[u]r pet[itioner] did eu with all care and industrye mayneteyne the said Child, but now she is growne weake and feeble, haueinge lost her husband who was killd in Taunton by the Kings p[ar]tye, all w[hi]ch monyes were to be payd by the Trea[su]re[r]s of the hospitalls
She therefore most humblie beseecheth your hono[u]rs wor[shi]ps to take the pr[e]misses into yo[u]r tender considerac[i]ons and to giue such order that the monies w[h]ich is in areare may be payd her And yo[u]r pet[itioner] shall eu[er] pray for yo[u]r wor[shi]ps &c