The petition of Joane Burt of Durleigh, Somerset, undated

To the Wor[shipfu]ll the Justices of the Peace for the County of Some[er]s[e]tt now in Sess[ions] assembled.

The humble Petic[i]on of Joane Burt of Durleigh, widdow.


That yo[u]r Pet[itione]r haveinge only one Sonne & Daughter, who through many straites and Difficulties, by the labour of her hands, shee bred vp, w[hi]ch said Sonne Jeffery Burt, out of his good affecc[i]on to the Parliam[en]t, in the beginning of the late Warres voluntarily betooke himselfe to their service vnder the Com[m]aund of Collonell Blake, and haueinge continued in the same Service by the space of two or three yeares, was att length taken in the Actuall Service of the State by the Enemy then in Garizon in Bridgwater, where after some Imprysonm[en]t yo[u]r Pet[ition]ers said Sonne was most cruelly hanged: And also that yo[u]r Pet[ition]ers said Daughters husband John Abbott, haueing likewise served the Parliam[en]t, by the space of two yeares vnder the Com[m]aund of the said Col[onel] Blake, was dueringe the Second Siege slayne in Taunton, leaveing behind him a wife and two small Children, without any Estate or mainteynance att all, w[hi]ch said Childrens Mother is since also deceased, and they cast vpon the Reliefe of yo[u]r Pet[itione]r being neere Fower score yeares of Age and destitute both of an habitac[i]on, and all other out=ward Subsistance to Relieue either herselfe or them,

Whose deplored condic[i]on yo[u]r poore Pet[itione]r humbly desires yo[u]r Wor[shi]pps to vouchsafe to looke on w[i]th the Eye of pitty, and shee being denyed by Reason of her great age, to apply herselfe to yo[u]r Wor[shi]pps for any Releife but only att this Sessions att Bridgwater, humbly begges she may be now considered of accordingly and Receive a Pension or Allowance somewhat Equivolent to her great distresse & necessity:

And yo[u]r Pet[itione]r shall &c

Wee affirme this Petic[i]on to be true as we are credibly informed

Nicholas Chicke

Major Edw[ard] Sealy

Robert Haviland


Johane Burt. Recommend to the overseers of the Poore.

Key Facts

Date of petition

Date Unknown

Name of petitioner

Joane Burt

Type of petitioner

Other Dependant

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

No known injuries or ailments

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    Bridgwater (Bridgwater Parish), Somerset

Outcome of petition

  • Successful
  • Gratuity £0.0s.0d.
    Pension £0.0s.0d.
    Frequency Unknown

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • Siege of Taunton, 11 March to 11 May 1645

Places mentioned

  • Bridgwater (Bridgwater Parish), Somerset

People mentioned

Archive information


Somerset Heritage Centre

Shelf mark

Q/Spet1 (Part 1), no. 42