The petition of Jane Merricke of Upton Bishop, Herefordshire, undated

To the Right Wors[hi]p[fu]ll the Mayor And Justices of the Cittye of Heref[or]d.

The humble petic[i]on of Jane Merricke the wife of Henry Merricke who doth most humbly Shew vnto your good wors[hi]pps:

That your pet[itione]r was bred and borne w[i]thin the Cittie of Heref[or]d And that when the Scotts beleaguered the said Cittie yo[u]r poore pet[itione]r was sorely wounded in sev[er]all parts of her bodie & limbs beinge at that time a casting vp worke for the defence of the s[ai]d Cittie w[hi]ch is not vnknowne to the whole Cittie & the inhabitants thereof.

That when his late Ma[jes]tie of ever blessed memorie did make his recourse to ye s[ai]d Cittie after the seidge was rose, & at the Markett place within the s[ai]d Cittie your poore pet[itione]r was brought before his grace who Comiserateinge her sadd mishapp did out of his gracious favour then promised your poore petit[ione]r that shee should bee cared for since which time your poore pet[itione]r  cannot haue any releefe or succor all this while (although shee hath oftentimes petic[i]oned to bee relieued in that behalfe.

Wherefore and for the reasons afores[ai]d your poore pet[itione]r most humbly beseech your Good wors[hi]pps to comiserate her sadd condic[i]on & her poore estate And afford to her some yearely pittance or mainteyneance [illegible] out of the Treasurie of the s[ai]d County or otherwise As to your good wors[hi]pps shall seeme meete And your pet[itione]r And her Children will ever bee bound to pray for your wors[hi]pps prosperitie Long to continue.

Ordered by the Court that the peticoner shal be alowed xx s. out of woods money

Key Facts

Date of petition

Date Unknown

Name of petitioner

Jane Merrick

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • Borough Corporation
    Hereford, Herefordshire

Outcome of petition

  • Successful
  • Gratuity 20s
    Pension No Pension
    Frequency No Pension

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • Siege of Hereford, 25 July to 4 September 1645

Places mentioned

  • There are no known places

People mentioned

Archive information


Herefordshire Archive and Records Centre

Shelf mark
