The petition of James Harvey of Sampford Courtney, Devon, 1678

To the right wor[shi]p[fu]ll his Ma[jes]ties Justices of the peace for the County of Devon now sitting att the Castle of Exon

The humble petition of James Harvey of Sampford Courtney in the county afors[ai]d


That y[ou]r petition[e]r serued his late Ma[jes]tie King Charles the first of blessed memory during all the late vnhappy warrs As A Trooper vnder the com[m]and of Capt[ain] John Northleigh and after his death vnder Major William Cooke, in the Regiment of the Lord Hopton in all which time y[ou]r petition[e]r suffred hard imprisonment for about nine monethes in the Citty of Glouster and seu[er]all other imprisonments and hardshipps besides many hurtes and wounds, some of w[hi]ch in his head arme and hand are yett visible, which in A great measures disables y[ou]r petition[e]r to endure his labour, w[hi]ch woundes and other suffringes y[ou]r petition[e]r is ready to p[ro]ue by credible wittnesse and hath eu[er] since liued in good esteeme and with much industry maintained Nine children Butt soe itt is may itt please y[ou]r wor[shi]ppes that y[ou]r Petition[e]r by meanes of the said wounds nott being able to labour as formerly and being growne aged and having A sickly wife and three young children humbly prayes the houn[ou]rable Court to consider the pr[e]misses And to graunt y[ou]r Petition[e]r Such allowance as y[ou]r wor[shi]pps of y[ou]r wonted clemency shall thinke fitt & y[ou]r Petition[e]r shall eu[er] pray &c

This is recom[m]ended to the Sessions by

Leo[nard] Yeo

Bartho[lomew] Gidley

The truth of the petition I am ready to p[ro]ue

Ric[hard] Arscott

Wee the p[ar]ishon[e]rs of Sampford Courtney doe certify yt the Petition[e]r hath still been A laborious & industrious p[er]son & well respected for his civill demeanour & yt wee doe nott expect the Charity of the hon[ou]rable Sessions shall bee any ease to o[u]r p[ar]ish, butt shall wheneu[er] desired giue him besides A sufficientcy to releiue him

William Elles                          John Tickes

John Aller Con[sta]ble           Richard Argent




James Harvey 40 s. p[er] Ann[um] & 5 s. in hand

Key Facts

Date of petition


Name of petitioner

James Harvey

Type of petitioner

Maimed Soldier

Declared allegiance


Injuries sustained;
ailments experienced

Authority petitioned

  • Quarter Sessions
    Exeter Castle (Castle Yard Parish), City and County of Exeter

Outcome of petition

  • Successful
  • Gratuity 5s
    Pension 40s
    Frequency Annual

Petition signature


Further information in this petition

Events mentioned

  • There are no known events

Places mentioned

  • City and County of Gloucester

People mentioned

Archive information


Devon Heritage Centre

Shelf mark

QS 128/107/1